Manual Call Log - Not Showing Call Details

Hey Freshworks,

I am trying to use the API of manual call logging, I am able to send a valid request but the call it self is not logged in my account.

This is my reqeust:

curl --location --request POST ‘Freshworks
–header ‘Authorization: Token token=09yXXXXXXXX’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–data-raw ‘{
“phone_call”: {
“call_direction”: true,
“targetable_type”: “contact”,
“targetable”: {
“id”: “16017065699”,
“first_name”: “וויסנטר בדיקה”,
“email”: “”,
"work_number ": “0527903511”,
"mobile_number ": “0722776772”
“user”: [
“id”: 16000014617,
“display_name”: “GUY MIZINSKI”,
“email”: “”,
“is_active”: true
"note ": {
“description”: “Sample note”
“phone_calls”: {
“id”: 1,
“call_duration”: “14”,
“call_direction”: true,
“recording_duration”: 14,
“status”: “incoming Answered”,
“recording”: " ",
“conversation_time”: “2016-09-12T08:23:43Z”,
“cost”: 35,
“targetable”: {
“type”: “contact”,
“id”: 1

This is my body:

    "phone_call": {
        "call_direction": true,
        "targetable_type": "contact",
        "targetable": {
            "id": "16017065699",
            "first_name": "וויסנטר בדיקה",
            "email": "",
            "work_number ": "0527903511",
            "mobile_number ": "0722776772"
        "user": [
                "id": 16000014617,
                "display_name": "GUY MIZINSKI",
                "email": "",
                "is_active": true
        "note ": {
            "description": "Sample note"
        "phone_calls": {
            "id": 1,
            "call_duration": "14",
            "call_direction": true,
            "recording_duration": 14,
            "status": "incoming Answered",
            "recording": " ",
            "conversation_time": "2016-09-12T08:23:43Z",
            "cost": 35,
            "targetable": {
                "type": "contact",
                "id": 1

In the interface I am seeing a newly created record, but not seeing the info of the call I put in our request:

Thanks a lot.

Hi Nikita,

Since we could not find you a response to your request yet, I have put you in touch with the Freshsales Suite (freshsales suite) support team to help with your request.


This is the response I get:


"contacts": [


        "partial": true,

        "id": 16017065699,

        "first_name": "וויסנטר",

        "last_name": "בדיקה",

        "display_name": "וויסנטר בדיקה",

        "avatar": null,

        "email": "",

        "work_number": "0527903511",

        "mobile_number": null,

        "job_title": null,

        "last_seen": null,

        "has_access": true,

        "lead_score": 41,

        "record_type_id": "17006269914",

        "sales_accounts": [],

        "owner_id": 16000014617,

        "deal_ids": []



"phone_numbers": [],

"phone_callers": [],

"notes": [],

"users": [


        "partial": true,

        "id": 16000014617,

        "display_name": "GUY MIZINSKI",

        "avatar": null,

        "email": "",

        "user_profile_attributes": {

            "id": 16000014617,

            "work_number": "0542509775",

            "mobile_number": "0542509775",

            "is_active": true


        "uuid": "259689186538937421"



"outcomes": [],

"phone_calls": [


        "id": 16001336705,

        "call_duration": null,

        "call_direction": true,

        "recording_duration": null,

        "status": "incoming",

        "recording": null,

        "conversation_time": "2022-07-17T10:00:46+03:00",

        "cost": 0.0,

        "is_manual": true,

        "root_phone_call_id": 16001336705,

        "child_phone_calls": null,

        "outcome_id": null,

        "source": null,

        "freshcaller_id": null,

        "freshcaller_number": null,

        "freshcaller_number_country": null,

        "targetable": {

            "type": "contact",

            "id": 16017065699


        "phone_number_id": null,

        "phone_caller_id": null,

        "note_id": null,

        "user_id": 16000014617



"deals": []
