Many to Many relationship with custom object and tickets

Hey team,

I am trying to attach multiple custom objects to one ticket, but Freshdesk only allows one custom object for one ticket.

Can we please get this as a feature if its not already implemented? The ability to add multiple custom objects to one ticket will be a crucial feature to have.

thank you

Hey @Shairyl,

Can you explain to me the use case for having multiple custom objects? So that I can forward the request to the respective team.

Hey @zach_jones_noel, Right now we are using custom objects to track bugs on our product. Custom objects are useful as we can grab a lot of details and attach it to a ticket. We can then later report on these bugs we have which is amazing. However it would be good to attach multiple objects to one ticket. Right now we are hacking this by using parent-child ticketing to assign bugs to sort of one ticket. But its not a perfect solution.

Ideally we want to have the ability to attach multiple custom objects to one ticket as easy as possible.

Hey @zach_jones_noel, Right now we are using custom objects to track defects on our product. Custom objects are useful as we can grab a lot of details and attach it to a ticket. We can then later report on these defects we have which is amazing. However it would be good to attach multiple objects to one ticket. Right now we are working around this by using parent-child ticketing to assign defects to sort of one ticket. But its not a perfect solution.

Ideally we want to have the ability to attach multiple custom objects to one ticket as easy as possible.

Hey @Shairyl,

Is it possible for you to share your entity schema? And if I understand it correctly, you could have complex objects that can resolve your query. But can help better if I know what is your current schema and how we can improve it.

Hi @zach_jones_noel , its not exactly entity storage. Its the Custom Objects present on the Freshdesk helpdesk in the pro and enterprise plan I believe. You can include a Vlookup field to attach a custom object to a ticket.

Our schema looks like this:
Defect ID
Date Found
Date Resolved
Customer Joruney

these fields help us understand more about the defect and we can attach it to a ticket to understand what problems the customer has.

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