Missing events to listen to ticket change with app minimized

When an user clicks on the app, the app.activated() is triggered and the corresponding callback is run. With the app maximized, if you click in previous, jump or next ticket buttons, app.activated() is triggered again. But if the app is minimized, clicking in previous, jump or next ticket buttons does not fire it.

So how can I know that the ticket changed with the app minimized?

For previous and next ticket buttons, there’s the ticket.previousTicketClick() and ticket.nextTicketClick(), but I guess there’s a bug here. If called with the app minimized, calling client.data.get(“ticket”) will always return the data from first ticket opened. If called with the app maximized, the data returned is from the ticket before you clicked in the button, I guess there was no time yet to the page reload if the right data.

And for the jump button, there’s no event, so with the app minimized, you never know that the ticket changed.

Usecase/Why this is important?
Let’s say you need the data storage from the ticket to validate if you need to perform some action with the ticket before user update/resolve the ticket. If you can’t know that the ticket changed and get the data from the right one, you can’t retrieve the right data storage as well.

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@samuelpares ,

can you please confirm in which product you are facing this issue?


I tested it in Freshdesk.

@samuelpares ,
Actually if the app is minimized, you won’t get any events.
but again if you maximized the app, you will get the app activated called and you will get the correct data.

and if you want to get the ticket details every time even the app is minimized, try with ticket_background placeholder, it will be available all the times.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:


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Somehow I missed this location “ticket_background” from the documentation.
Thank you very much.

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