Monitor API usage within the Freshsales Suite to keep track of consumption


Is there an option available within Freshsales Suite to track the consumption of APIs, providing insights into the number of APIs utilized and the remaining quota?

Thanks in advance,
Sateshsoundar N.

@Freddy Could you please share your thoughts on this!

Freddy replied

Hi Sateshsoundar and Gopi,

Freshsales Suite does allow monitoring API usage to help you stay within your usage limits. You can view your API consumption details by following these steps:

  1. Log into your Freshsales Suite account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Settings” in the dropdown menu.
  4. In the settings page, locate the “API Access” tab which is usually under “Developer” or “System” settings.
  5. Clicking the “API Access” tab should show you details about your API usage, such as the number of API calls made, the allowed limit, and the remaining quota.

Additionally, you can also track your API usage by checking the HTTP response headers for the calls you make. Freshsales includes specific headers to indicate the API calls count and remaining quota per hour. These headers are X-FS-Total (total quota) and X-Remaining-API(limit) (remaining limit).

Please note that the API limits may vary depending on your Freshsales Suite plan.

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

Best regards,