Moving towards invite-only Office Hours

About three years ago, we opened up our team calendars publicly to the developer community to block time with our developer relations team. It is a conscious choice for us to make this channel available as long as we can help the small-sized community. As we march into 2023, we see about 250+ monthly active developers. It’s about time we realise and appreciate the scale and take more scalable steps to help you solve business problems with ease.

What’s next?

Here’s what would follow for Office Hours:

  1. You will begin to see the URL to schedule office hours not to work.
  2. As you continue to create topics for your queries on the forum, one of our team members may share your single-usage office hours link to schedule a mutual time if required.
  3. You would experience better help given the context remains both about the topic and followed-up office hours, allowing productive discussions to happen.

What’s cooking?

One of the core needs of having office hours is the ability to discuss problems synchronously in a single block of time. We are starting to enable you to bring discord/slack-like synchronous chats and channels to the forum. It will help you “chat” in real time.

We will continue to partner with Freshworks’ teams to help you discuss with the right teams directly, depending on your queries. If required, we ticket (private) the conversation to the right team to get the help you deserve.

We keep improving how we provide the solutions, create enablement content and incentivise the community members who contribute in our community. Support us while we improve the support experience for our Freshworks developer community.


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