Regarding the “Changes” module. For changes with an approval workflow, the approvals have recently moved to a new tab. I can see there is a red dot indicating this is awaiting my approval. I like that. I would LOVE to be able to create a dashboard widget or a filter to show me all the changes that require MY specific approval.
Why this is important:
We make heavy use of the change advisory board. Essentially, we require our small Infrastructure team to “approve” every change post implementation. This helps ensure that our global team in multiple time zones can see what changes were implemented by a team on the other side of the world when they begin their day. Our change volume is low, 2 - 4 changes daily. So, it’s a 5-minute review, but sometimes people miss approving a change and do not realize it. Then the list of changes sitting in “Awaiting approval” status becomes 15 or 20 or 25 because someone has not approved and has not realized this. Now when I come in and see 15 changes “Awaiting Approval” I don’t know which ones I have already approved and which I have not, so I need to open them all and check. If I could simply see a list of changes awaiting MY specific approval, this would simplify this process. This would also prevent team members from missing approvals and not realizing it.