Node.js version of 14.x.x is required to run this SDK. v18.17.0 found


I am getting below error trying to upgrade fdk version on my local setup.

Node.js version of 14.x.x is required to run this SDK. v18.17.0 found.

Do I need to downgrade my node version?

How to upgrade fdk 9.0.0.?

Please refer to the screenshot below

Hello @Priyadharshini_Ramas,

Seems like you are using the old version of fdk, Can you try upgrading using the command

npm install -g

Reference: Quick Start

Hope this helps.

Hi @Kunal_Singh

Are you able to download a specific version of the fdk?

Ex: npm install -g

For installation of FDK 8.6.5?

Hello @Ansfs91,
As per the docs we can either download the latest version or the last stable version.

npm install -g

To install the CLI version that immediately precedes FDK 9.0.0, run the following command.

npm install -g

Version based downloading is not supported currently as per my understanding.

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Thx man.

Did find this for anyone else to use for future refereances:

To insatll fdk 8.6.5:
npm install -g

The case for us was that we have an app that is built with fdk 8.6.5 and the client want us to run it once every month(the app sync assets). Hence we need to downgrade our fdk.



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