Obtain ticket details in full_page custom app


I’m developing a custom app for Freshdesk. My app is present in two placeholders: full_page_app and ticket_sidebar. I need send information from ticket_sidebar to full_page_app. I’m trying to do this with “Instance methods” but when I do a get() call from full_page_app only show info for this instance (full_page), and the same occurs when do from ticket_sidebar, only obtain info for ticket_sidebar instance. Is it possible send / share information with a instance in full_page_app placeholder?

In this is not possible, there are any method to obtain ticket_detail information from full_page_app? I only need the ticket number / id


Hi @jjimenez,

The client.instance.get() method gives information about the instances available for the same app. If another placeholder and modal are available for the app, they will appear with an instanceID.

You can then use client.instance.send() and client.instance.receive() methods to send a data from the ticket_sidebar location to full_page_app placeholder.

If you cannot get all the instance IDs, please show the app’s manifest.json file.
Are you testing this flow in the local testing with Freshworks CLI (FDK)? If yes, could you please try once with custom app and confirm if the error repeats?

Hi @Raviraj,

this is my manifest.json:

  "platform-version": "2.3",
  "product": {
    "freshdesk": {
      "location": {
        "ticket_sidebar": {
          "url": "sidebar.html",
          "icon": "styles/images/icon.svg"
		"full_page_app": {
          "url": "full.html",
          "icon": "styles/images/icon.svg"
  "engines": {
    "node": "18.15.0",
    "fdk": "9.0.1"

I’ve tried both locally also like custom app and result is the same. When I execute client.instance.get(), from sidebar I only receive info about one unique instance:

Context: Array(1)
        "instance_id": "7j9kab1q",
        "location": "ticket:sidebar",
        "parent_id": null

and when my app execute client.instance.get() from full_page_app, then receive info only from another instance:

Context: Array(1)
        "instance_id": "dnre16j8",
        "location": "full_page_app",
        "parent_id": null

I can provide you my source code, so you can check it.


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