Placeholders don't get resolved when requesting "Create a Note" via Freshdesk API

Hi all,

I’m using the endpoint add_note_to_a_ticket to create a public reply to a given ticket.
And I’m trying to use placeholders like {{ticket.requester.firstname}} .

curl --location --request POST '' 
	--header 'content-type: application/json' 
	--header 'Authorization: Basic xxxxx' 
	--data-raw '{
    "body": "Hello {{ticket.requester.firstname}} Thank you for getting in touch with us",
    "user_id": 99999,
    "private": false,
    "incoming": true

I’ve noticed that these placeholders don’t get resolved during the creation process.


Is there a way to resolve the placeholders during the creation or via a separate endpoint?

Best regards, Alex

Hey @Alexander_Knoch,

Welcome to the Freshworks Developer Community! :tada:

Thanks for reporting this.
I’ve raised a Freshdesk support ticket about this, and you would hear more about it on the ticket.

Hey Alexander,
I had a similar request with sending email responses, when we still were in touch with our FD onboarding team.

And FD onboarding specialists said, that there is no feature, which processes placeholders, when creating replies via API.
So I did the processing on my own (so fetch ticket data before creating the reply and create the reply with already replaced placeholders).

Would love to see an option to let the product do it. Hope there is an answer from FD support.


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