POSTMAN connection error

Hello guys, I am trying to conect my Postman app to a FRESHSERVICE instance, but I am receiving errors.

Checking the documentation it seems that whrn you want to update a ticket with an attachment is used the endpoint:{ticket id} in a PUT method.

I have doing so, and I received this message:
“message”: “PUT method is not allowed. It should be one of these method(s): GET”

But, when I tried to change to POST I received this message:
“message”: “POST method is not allowed. It should be one of these method(s): GET, HEAD, PATCH, PUT, DELETE”

What am I doing wrong?

Hello @Bruno_Bandeira ,

I tested the api myself and it sent the attachment with success

But I receive your same message when the ticket is deleted.

Did you check if the ticket was deleted before sending the attachment?

Hello @Michele , thank you for you support.

Yes, there is a ticket on the system, as shown in the image bellow. When I use the GET method I received a 200 status and the returned record.

Still, when I use the PUT method afterwards, I keep receiving a error message, as shown bellow:

Hello @Bruno_Bandeira ,

deleted tickets can still be retrieved, but have a property “deleted” evauluated true

How’s the “deleted” property in that ticket?

Hello @Michele , i believe we are gettinng somewhere…

The error mesage changes now to YOUR UPDATE CALL DOES NOT HAVE ANY PARAMETER. What should I have send with the API call?

Thanks again for you valuable support!

Hello @Bruno_Bandeira ,

if I remember right, that’s a message that comes out when a ticket is created without all the mandatory fieds.
It’s something that you can do, for example you could make the description mandatory for normal requesters, but you can allow agenst to leave that empty.
When this happens and you want to update the ticked via API, you receive that message.

Hello @Michele

In fact I have no access to the FRESHSERVICE platform to check these details, but, i’m gonna check with the analyst those configurations.

What I really have to do is to integrate ServiceNow and Freshservice, bur, I’m on baby steps, first try connect and UPDATE successfully in Postman and them go forward.

I’m tryng to CREATE a Ticket with an attachment also, but I facing issues about the payload. Have you know the correct format? I am using the structure bellow:

“requester_id”: ###,
“email”: “###”,
“type”: “###”,
“status”: 2,
“priority”: 3,
“attachments[]”: WHAT CAN I WRITE HERE?,
“description”: “THIS IS A INTEGRATION TEST”,
“source”: “###”

Thanks again for all your support!


here’s how I used to create tickets with attachments using postman

Hello @Michele

Unfortunatelly, it keeps returning errors. This time, its says that fields that is FILLED cannot be empty. In yout headers you are using Content-type: json/application or multipart/form data?

I really freaks me out these damn errors!

Bellow there is a screenshot:

The content-type is multipart/form-data

Getting this misterious error now… :face_exhaling:


I guess I discover the problem.
I have to add a thing call ‘boundary’ in the header. That way the file make his way to the other side.

I’m tryng apply this to my original ServiceNow integration.

Anyway, you helped me A LOT

Thank you! :wink:

Hello, I was on vacation, did you find a solution?