Query Malformed Salesforce when sending via app.js

This is actually the continuation of the last community post where we are trying to send a query from app.js to request.json via context and getting an error saying, Malformed Query

last post: Request Template platform 2.3 - #7 by thimayarohit

Here we have an getContactInfo function which is making a get request on salesforce and as part of the request the query is build using a helper function called createAccount Query mentioned after this.


             * Get Contact info and related cases
            function getContactInfo() {
                // Clear info
                $("#contact_info").append($("<p></p>").text('Searching a contact...'));

                    function (data) {
                        console.info('Freshchat Contact data: ', data);
                        // getting site ID
                        const siteId = getSiteID(data);
                        // success output
                        // Contact
                        const freshChatContact = new SFDC.freshChatContact(
                            data.user.first_name + ' ' + data.user.last_name,
                        console.info('Contact: ', freshChatContact);
                        // Save in variable
                        selfApp.freshchatContact = {
                            'assignedToUserId': (selfApp.salesforceUser && selfApp.salesforceUser.Id) ? selfApp.salesforceUser.Id : null,
                            'assignedToUserName': (selfApp.salesforceUser && selfApp.salesforceUser.Name) ? selfApp.salesforceUser.Name : null,
                            'firstName': data.user.first_name,
                            'lastName': data.user.last_name,
                            'phone': data.user.phone,
                            'email': data.user.email,
                            'personType': siteId
                        // save additional custom properties

                        // Save Contact as current
                        selfApp.currentContact = selfApp.freshchatContact;
                        console.info('Current Contact:', selfApp.currentContact);

                        let query = createAccountQuery(

                        if (!query) {
                            return null;
                        console.log("Query: " + query)

                        // Return contact from Salesforce
                        return client.request.invokeTemplate("getContactInfo", {
                            context: {
                                query: query
                    function (error) {
                        // failure operation
                        throw new Error(error);
                    .then(data => {

                        if (!data) {
                            showMessageInsteadContact('No contact matches in Salesforce.');
                            return null;

                        const response = JSON.parse(data.response);
                        console.info('Salesforce Contact data: ', response);
                        if (response.totalSize === 0) {
                            console.warn('No contact matches in Salesforce.');

                            showMessageInsteadContact('No contact matches in Salesforce.');

                            return null;
                        } else if (response.totalSize > 1) {
                            console.warn('More than one match of contacts found in Salesforce.');

                            showMessageInsteadContact('More than one match of contacts found in Salesforce.');

                            return null;
                        } else {
                            // Store contact in global variable
                            selfApp.salesforceContact = response.records[0];

                            // Save Contact as current
                            selfApp.currentContact = response.records[0];
                            // Add User to current Contact
                            selfApp.currentContact.assignedToUserId = (selfApp.salesforceUser && selfApp.salesforceUser.Id) ? selfApp.salesforceUser.Id : null;
                            selfApp.currentContact.assignedToUserName = (selfApp.salesforceUser && selfApp.salesforceUser.Name) ? selfApp.salesforceUser.Name : null;
                            console.info('Current Contact:', selfApp.currentContact);


                            // Return contact Id for searching related Cases
                            return response.records[0].PersonContactId;
                    .catch(error => {
                        console.error('Error received contact data: ', error);
                        throw new Error('Error received contact data');
                    .then(contactId => {
                        contactId ? getCases(contactId) : showMessageInsteadCase();
                    .catch(error => {

This is the helper function that dynamically creates the query.


             * Create query for Salesforce Account SOQL
             * @param {String} siteName 
             * @param {String} jurisdiction 
             * @param {String} channel 
             * @param {*} externalId 
             * @param {String} userEmail 
             * @param {String} acctUuid
             * @returns 
            function createAccountQuery(siteName, jurisdiction = JURISDICTION_BC, channel, externalId, userEmail, acctUuid) {
                siteName = siteName ? siteName.replace(/www\./gi, '') : null;
                siteName = siteName ? siteName.replace(/qa[0-9]\./gi, '') : null;
                siteName = siteName ? siteName.replace(/dev[0-9]\./gi, '') : null;
                siteName = siteName ? siteName.replace(/dq0[0-9]\./gi, '') : null;

                console.info('app.js query');

                console.info('Account query parameters: siteName - ' + siteName +
                    '; jurisdiction - ' + jurisdiction +
                    '; channel - ' + channel +
                    '; externalId - ' + externalId +
                    '; userEmail - ' + userEmail +
                    '; acctUuid - ' + acctUuid);

                // flag 
                let isQuery = false;

                let queryString =
                    "SELECT+Id,+Name,+FirstName,+LastName,+PersonEmail,+IsPersonAccount,+Person_Type__pc,+" +
                    "PersonContactId,+Owner.Id,+Owner.Name+" +
                    "FROM+Account+" +

                switch (siteName) {
                    case 'bclc.com':
                        queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                            "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                        isQuery = true;
                    case 'corporate.bclc.com':
                        queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                            "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                        isQuery = true;
                    case 'horizonsrg.bclc.com':
                        queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                            "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                        isQuery = true;
                    case 'casinosbc.com':
                        if (channel == GENERAL_SUPPORT_BC_CHANNEL_NAME) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == ENCORE_REWARDS_CHANNEL_NAME) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'BC+Gold'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == GAMESENSE_ADVISOR_CHANNEL_NAME) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                    case 'playnow.com':
                        if (channel == GENERAL_SUPPORT_BC_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_BC) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_BC) + "'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == PLAYNOW_ACCOUNT_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_BC && acctUuid) {
                            queryString += "+AND+PlayNow_Uuid__pc+=+'" + encodeURI(acctUuid) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == PLAYNOW_ACCOUNT_CHANNEL_NAME && !acctUuid && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_BC) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'PlayNow'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_BC) + "'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == GAMESENSE_ADVISOR_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_BC) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == GENERAL_SUPPORT_MB_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_MB) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_MB) + "'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == PLAYNOW_ACCOUNT_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_MB && acctUuid) {
                            queryString += "+AND+PlayNow_UUID__pc+=+'" + encodeURI(acctUuid) + "'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_MB) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == PLAYNOW_ACCOUNT_CHANNEL_NAME && !acctUuid && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_MB) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'PlayNow'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_MB) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == GAMESENSE_ADVISOR_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_MB) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'PlayNow'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_MB) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == GENERAL_SUPPORT_SK_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_SK) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_SK) + "'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == PLAYNOW_ACCOUNT_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_SK && acctUuid) {
                            queryString += "+AND+PlayNow_UUID__pc+=+'" + encodeURI(acctUuid) + "'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_SK) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == PLAYNOW_ACCOUNT_CHANNEL_NAME && !acctUuid && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_SK) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'PlayNow'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_SK) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == GAMESENSE_ADVISOR_CHANNEL_NAME && jurisdiction == JURISDICTION_SK) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'PlayNow'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'+" +
                                "AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'" + encodeURI(JURISDICTION_SK) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                    case 'gamesense.com':
                        if (channel == GENERAL_SUPPORT_BC_CHANNEL_NAME) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;
                        } else if (channel == GAMESENSE_ADVISOR_CHANNEL_NAME) {
                            queryString += "+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'Consumer'+" +
                                "AND+PersonEmail+=+'" + encodeURI(userEmail) + "'";
                            isQuery = true;

                console.info('Was Person Account matching: ', isQuery);
                if (isQuery) {
                    console.info('Person Account Query is: ', queryString);

                return isQuery ? queryString : null;

in getContact function just before we try to make a request we are console logging the query which is the query that we are passing as part of the request

Query: SELECT+Id,+Name,+FirstName,+LastName,+PersonEmail,+IsPersonAccount,+Person_Type__pc,+PersonContactId,+Owner.Id,+Owner.Name+FROM+Account+WHERE+IsPersonAccount+=+True+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'PlayNow'+AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'BC'+AND+PersonEmail+=+'test@test.com'

it means here let query = is the above query.

Now as seen in getContactInfo the way we are using the request template is

                        return client.request.invokeTemplate("getContactInfo", {
                            context: {
                                query: query

    "getContactInfo": {
        "schema": {
            "method": "GET",
            "protocol": "https",
            "host": "<%= iparam.settings.salesforceDomainType %>.salesforce.com",
            "path": "/services/data/v46.0/query/?q=<%= context.query %>",
            "headers": {
                "Authorization": "OAuth <%= access_token %>"
        "options": {
            "maxAttempts": 5,
            "isOAuth": true

doing this creates a malformed query error:

After meeting with developers, the conclusion was they will add our app to the whitelisted domain which will solve this issue but unfortunately, the issue still exists please have a look and let me know If I am missing something!

Also to provide more context if I try to this where in request.json

    "getContactInfo": {
        "schema": {
            "method": "GET",
            "protocol": "https",
            "host": "<%= iparam.settings.salesforceDomainType %>.salesforce.com",
            "path": "/services/data/v46.0/query/?q=SELECT+Id,+Name,+FirstName,+LastName,+PersonEmail,+IsPersonAccount,+Person_Type__pc,+PersonContactId,+Owner.Id,+Owner.Name+FROM+Account+WHERE+IsPersonAccount+=+True+AND+Person_Type__pc+=+'PlayNow'+AND+Jurisdiction__c+=+'BC'+AND+PersonEmail+=+'test@test.com'",
            "headers": {
                "Authorization": "OAuth <%= access_token %>"
        "options": {
            "maxAttempts": 5,
            "isOAuth": true

It works perfectly fine and gets the data without any error, so the cause exists in how the request template in building this string so please let me know if there is something needs to be done or consider.

@Thakur_Ganeshsingh @kaustavdm @zach_jones_noel @Srikanth_Reddy @gdimopoulos

I have sent you a personal message to check further .

1 Like

HI @thimayarohit

Please use below request template for making the calls to salesforce system.

  "getContactInfo": {
        "schema": {
            "method": "GET",
            "protocol": "https",
            "host": "<%= iparam.settings.salesforceDomainType %>.salesforce.com",
            "path": "/services/data/v46.0/query/",
            "headers": {
              "Authorization": "OAuth <%= access_token %>"
              "q": "<%= context.query %>"
            "options": {
              "maxAttempts": 5,
              "isOAuth": true

as we found out that the issue was the data which is being passed to query object (spacing issue ).

Please let me know if there are any more issue wrt to request template.

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