I have a custom React application, and it is placeholder is ticket_top_navigation.
When I click on the icon to open it, it’s not working as expected.
Thank you.
I have a custom React application, and it is placeholder is ticket_top_navigation.
When I click on the icon to open it, it’s not working as expected.
Thank you.
Benny, if you could elaborate bit more on what is not working as expected, I could perhaps help?
is there any repo for a sample react app with top nav bar as a placeholder?
The top nav bar placeholder is basically javascript that runs in the background, how-ever UI usually is just a button above the ticket details.
We don’t have a sample app using react, and ticket top navigation placeholder at the moment.
Was this fixed? The other placeholders work out-of-the-box with React apps, but the “ticket_top_navigation” placeholder renders a button that doesn’t do anything when clicked.
Can you elaborate your problem so it can easy to understand
Hi @Dylan_Slack & @nivaswani,
app.initialized().then(async(client) => {
client.instance.context().then(function (data) {
const location = data.location;
if(location === "overlay"){
return <someComponent/>
This is how I render UI in the react application now.
Hope that helps!
Thank you.
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