Hi Team,
I need to know if we can create the Custom app using React in Freshsales. Have noticed that Freshdesk has a feature to create react app while giving fdk create but we don’t have such features in Freshsales.
Please share me in detail.
Yes. You should be able to create a React app for Freshsales as well. You can take the boilerplate code from a Freshdesk app and change the manifest.json accordingly.
Let us know if you need more details.
Asif Ahmed.
@Asif Thanks for the update. will let you know
and also I need to know if I give FDK pack and upload it in Freshsale will it get uploaded without any error?
Yes, fdk pack & publish would work the same way as in freshdesk.
Please give a try and let us know in case of issues.
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