Recurring schedules

Hi, I’m trying to create a recurring event in Freshworks CRM.

I’m able to create the event, but it only triggers one time. When I try to create a new recurring event the system thrown an error 500 (status: 500, message: “The maximum number of recurring schedules is 1”).

When a get the list of the schedules, I got the schedule.

(In this moment I have two schedules. “Test 3” its the recurring event)
List Schedules: {“list”:{“ca35-257e-4c3b-b905”:“test”,“7502-3a64-443a-cac0”:“Test 3”}}

But when I try to fetch it or delete it, I got an error 404 (“status”:404,“message”:“Schedule does not exist”)
Fetch: 7502-3a64-443a-cac0
Fetch Error: { status: 404, message: ‘Schedule does not exist’ }

Delete: {“scheduleName”:“7502-3a64-443a-cac0”,“iparams”:{},“isInstall”:false}
Delete Error: {“status”:404,“message”:“Schedule does not exist”}

So, I have two problems:

  1. I need to remove the recurring event, but I got the 404 error
  2. I need to create a recurring event, but it only triggers one time.

Somebody can give me some pointers to resolve my problem?

Hi Andres,

Welcome to the Developer Community :tada:

Only one scheduled event can be created and can exist at any point of time. Regarding the triggering one time part, can you share the snippet of the $schedule.create.

It means the event is a recurring event. So, it should be triggered multiple times unless there is an issue in scheduled event handler logging the event information.

Can you please share the snippet so we can debug the issue.

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