Hi, I’m trying to create a recurring event in Freshworks CRM.
I’m able to create the event, but it only triggers one time. When I try to create a new recurring event the system thrown an error 500 (status: 500, message: “The maximum number of recurring schedules is 1”).
When a get the list of the schedules, I got the schedule.
(In this moment I have two schedules. “Test 3” its the recurring event)
List Schedules: {“list”:{“ca35-257e-4c3b-b905”:“test”,“7502-3a64-443a-cac0”:“Test 3”}}
But when I try to fetch it or delete it, I got an error 404 (“status”:404,“message”:“Schedule does not exist”)
Fetch: 7502-3a64-443a-cac0
Fetch Error: { status: 404, message: ‘Schedule does not exist’ }
Delete: {“scheduleName”:“7502-3a64-443a-cac0”,“iparams”:{},“isInstall”:false}
Delete Error: {“status”:404,“message”:“Schedule does not exist”}
So, I have two problems:
- I need to remove the recurring event, but I got the 404 error
- I need to create a recurring event, but it only triggers one time.
Somebody can give me some pointers to resolve my problem?