Hello Team,
We are using search query from Freshdesk to filter all the tickets on a particular date.
API Call: https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.freshdesk.com/api/v2/search/tickets?query=“cf_reopen_date:‘2023-07-06’”
cf_reopen_date: Is a custom text field which contains the same value.
Please suggest if I am making any mistake in the API call and if not, suggest the solution for it.
Akhil S Kulkarni
Hey @Akhil_Kulkarni
The search query using Freshdesk filter API is restricted to the following ticket fields available in /api/v2/ticket_fields API
Can you verify if your custom field is available in the ticket field list query. Also the ticket fields are case sensitive.
Hello Jones,
There is a field in custromer’s account which has today’s date as an input and we are also trying to fetch all the tickets for today using below string, but getting incorrect results.
Please let me know if this can be achieved from another query or if there is an issue in the current query.
Akhil S Kulkarni