Send approval mail to External via workflow


I would like to request a feature in workflow to allow us send approval mail to custom email address. Current approval mail options are limited as below:

Approval mail options

unlike send normal email as below:

We synced some custom value (Email address) from External (Active Directory) and we would like to send approval mail to the email address.
I am aware on alternative available in the FreshService such as Department Head and Custom Object. However, we would like to avoid on additional record to be maintained.

If there is any other way to proceed with this, truly appreciate if you guys have any advise!
Thank You in advance.

Hey @Inazf,
I’ve shared this with the Freshservice team to help you better with this query.

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Thank You. Hope that they will agree to consider this feature.

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Hi @Inazf,


I guess we can send an approval mail to anyone who’s in the contact module

you can just search for the email right there!

Or if you would like to have it dynamically you can use a web request node or expression builder and return the email to the action node.

Thank you.

Hi Benny, thank you for your reply.
However, in my case i need the approval to be sent to different email for each request based on the requester. If i straight away choose the name in my workflow, it will be fixed for every request.

The value (approver email address) is synced from my Active Directory as additional info of the requester. The purpose is to ensure centralize data (from Active Directory) and reduce record maintenance.

Hi @Inazf,


Yes, you can do that, try using the Record node to fetch the data from the system or make an API call to get the respective approver and then use the result there.

If you need assistance, DM me, maybe we can get this done together :mechanical_arm:

Thank you.

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