Our custom app right now is facing some warning errors that can impact our future builds pertains to this error validation which it would take time to adjust on our end.
Since this is the application that is build since then, we hope that we can’t encounter this the next time we need to build in the future.
Also, on the coverage scenario, I cannot pack to zip with our custom app since we encounter this issue also.
I taking note here that in 9.0.4 or 9.1.0, we didn’t encountered this to pack to zip file our apps with no issues.
The only way I could think of is to downgrade my FDK here from 9.2.0. Kindly confirm if this is possible as I have related thread to this one: Downgrade Freshdesk Version
This removed the warning upon downgrading FDK using the thread link that I’ve given, but I still need confirmation to this thread to make ensure we can plan early if possible with our leads.
Acknowledging this as we encountered this also on FDK 9.2.0. But on lower versions in version 9, this one doesn’t have the errors encountered while we use FDK Pack or Run commands.
@BrianDev The validation warnings will not be blockers for packing the app. Only the validation errors will block the app from being packed and published.
Please let us know if you have any errors that cannot be fixed, and we can try to address those feedback.
The code coverage requirement applies only to public apps published in the Freshworks marketplace for all customers. It does not apply to custom apps.
You can skip the code coverage requirement error with the flag from our documentation.
I want to point out that the “–skip-validation” is crucial to have for us as well. We are developing a lot of custom apps (and a couple of marketplace ones) using webpack, and due to the nature of how webpack works, we get a lot of errors/warnings on perfectly valid code. We will have to rewrite at least a dozen apps from scratch if the flag is fully deprecated, because as it stands, I already can’t update some of these apps without downgrading to an earlier version of FDK.