Timeout - App version 2.3

Hi all

Do lack some information regarding timeouts on platform version 2.3

From the pdf called userguide (found on this topic;
Platform version 2.3 : Request method with request templates [Now in beta])

I searched for “timeout”, and I found only one item for it in the option object for when adding templates. It was set to “5” in that example.

I guess it should listed as one of the request options (page 8) in the pdf.

Is the maximum timeout still 20?

Hi @Ansfs91

Yes, it is. The max timeout as of now is 20 seconds when using serverless features with the request method. However, if you could share details on your use case over DM, we can discuss potential solutions to solve the same.


Hi @Thakur_Ganeshsingh :slight_smile:

The use case for this is that I have an app that removes tags on an after I have extracted data from the ticket in a csv-format.

It quickly reaches the limit of 50 req/minute, so when I did have a look at the UserGuide.pdf for the platform version 2.3 I noticed that the documentation for timeout was missing…that was the reson for my question.

Did solve the issue with hitting the 429 error by adding a npm package named limiter in the client side code(https://www.npmjs.com/package/limiter)

However, did just found out that if I use axios i can remove the tags without worrying about the limit of requesters from this thread.

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