Trigger data method in background in Freshsales contact

I’m working on common app of FCSS, where my app will be displayed in freshdesk, freshsales, freshchat etc.

Now, I want to trigger currentEntityInfo data method from freshsales in contact details page. So, is it possible to trigger it when we load contact details page. (Not on contact.update event)

Just like, we’re able to call ticket data method in freshdesk, from ticket details background.

Hi Yash,

The data method should work when the user is on a specific contact details page in Freshsales,

Contact update event is used in Serverless apps, the above should work in a frontend app.

Hi @Pulkit_Chowdry,

Yes I’ve checked it, but problem is that, I not able to call this method when agent go to specific contact detail page.
I’m getting data from method only when I refresh my app.

I want to call/ trigger this method when agent open contact details page.


Hi Yash,

Yes, the trigger will only happen when the user clicks on the app within the contact landing page. The only solution which I see is to have the app shown as the first section in the overview section of the contact landing page. For example, following is a contact landing page where I have Xero app as the first one in the overview section and this runs as soon I open a contact,

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