Trying to fetch all the contacts updated at within a date range

I am using the api in postman to fetch all the contacts within a date/time range that has been updated-“updated_at:>‘2020-12-31’%20AND%20updated_at:<‘2020-12-01’”

while hitting this api I am getting error -

is there any api to fetch contacts updated within a date/time range?

Hi @Shashank_Shekhar
try this."updated_at:>'2020-12-31'%20AND%20updated_at:<'2020-12-01'"

You have to enter /view/3333xxx your filter contact ID in the URL.

You can the get the contact ID from the your CRM contact page’s URL.

Hi @Shashank_Shekhar,

Welcome to the community :tada:

This is related to authentication, so could you please share the curl command for the API request?

you must have missed something in the header part…

Thank you.