Typescript sending attachment to existing ticket

:point_right: 1. Issue Summary: There is no proper document to create an attachment to existing freshservice ticket. I am using Typescript to attach CSV file to a ticket. Can you give me a solution what information Freshservice API needs? Its always complaining there is invalid field and no information about to make it valid.

:bulb: 2. typescript code to test. All you have to do is create a typescript project and do needed modules and you can test it out.

import fs, { createWriteStream } from "fs";
import FormData from "form-data";

const createFreshworkAttachment = async () => {
    console.log("Processing FRESHWORKS attachment to task.." );

    let response = true;
    let url = "https://xxxxx.freshservice.com/api/v2/tickets/9535/notes";

    const fileName = "/home/praba/wkspace/my-typescript/attachment.csv";
    const form = new FormData();
    //form.append("attachments[]", new Blob([fs.readFileSync(fileName)]), fileName);
    form.append("attachments[]", fs.createReadStream(fileName), 'text/plain');
    form.append("private", "true");
    form.append("body", "<html><body><pre>Violdation details are in the attachments</pre></body></html>");

    const headers: Headers = new Headers();
    const authorization = `Basic ${Buffer.from('---------------------:X').toString("base64")}`; // Remove token for security
    headers.set("Authorization", authorization);
    headers.set("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data");
    //headers.set("Content-Type", "application/json");

    try {
        // const fields = [];
        // fields.push("private", true);
        // fields.push("body", "Testing body file");
        // fields.push("attachments", [fs.createReadStream(fileName)]);
        const options: RequestInit = {
            method: "POST",
            //url: url,
            //port: 443,
            headers: headers,
            // @ts-ignore
            body: JSON.stringify(form),
            //body: {message:"<html><body><pre>Violdation details are in the attachments</pre></body></html>"},
            // formData: {
            //     "attachments[]":fs.createReadStream(fileName),
            //     //"body": "Violdation details are in the attachments"
            // },
        await fetch(url, options)
            .then((response) => {
                console.log(`Response: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
                return response.text();
            .then((text) => console.log( `FRESHWORKS Attachment response ${text}` ))
            .catch((err) => console.log( "attachment error"+ err ));
    } catch (error) {
        response = false;

    return response;


:camera_flash: 3. Kindly add screenshots or screen grabs that will help us understand your situation better. Feel free to attach images with your post or Dropbox / Google Drive / Box links

:bulb: 4. Logs:
Response: 400 Bad Request
FRESHWORKS Attachment response {“description”:“Validation failed”,“errors”:[{“field”:“{"_overheadLength":363,"_valueLength":82,"_valuesToMeasure":”,“message”:“Unexpected/invalid field in request”,“code”:“invalid_field”}]}