For ibound calls also team id is null
Looks like both source agent and destination agent payloads are the same
phone_number: '+12015844716',
root_call_id: null,
created_time: '2021-06-02T13:42:05.972Z',
call_notes: 'with will transfer to one agent in multiple teams',
assigned_ivr_id: null,
assigned_team_id: null,
integrated_resources: [
assigned_call_queue_name: 'Global Queue',
phone_number_id: 56151,
participants: [
participant_type: 'Customer',
duration: null,
caller_number: '+18565021484',
created_time: '2021-06-02T13:42:06.174Z',
connection_type: 0,
enqueued_time: null,
cost_unit: 'usd',
caller_id: 20276641,
duration_unit: 'seconds',
caller_name: '+18565021484',
id: 81767652,
cost: 0.0085,
participant_id: 26557946,
updated_time: '2021-06-02T13:43:53.479Z',
call_id: 81767720,
call_status: 1
participant_type: 'Agent',
duration: 51,
caller_number: null,
created_time: '2021-06-02T13:42:16.690Z',
connection_type: 1,
enqueued_time: null,
cost_unit: 'usd',
caller_id: null,
duration_unit: 'seconds',
caller_name: null,
id: 99395393,
cost: null,
participant_id: 91968,
updated_time: '2021-06-02T13:43:18.455Z',
call_id: 81767720,
call_status: 1
recording_to_redact: null,
direction: 'incoming',
assigned_call_queue_id: 70748,
assigned_team_name: null,
id: 81767720,
parent_call_id: null,
bill_duration: 72,
bill_duration_unit: 'seconds',
assigned_agent_name: 'Projteam A Artis',
updated_time: '2021-06-02T13:43:51.735Z',
recording: {
duration: 50,
url: '',
duration_unit: 'seconds',
id: 40399442,
transcription_url: null
assigned_ivr_name: null,
assigned_agent_id: 91968
this is the payload for an incoming call that is transferred(cold) to an agent, this for destination agent before picks the call payload i need before destination agent pick a call team details