Unable to publish custom app because of error in the installation parameters

Hi there.

I’m trying to upload a serverless custom app on Freshsales Suite, but I keep receiving the following error message, in the installation page (page to configure the iparams):


The iparams I configured are the following:

    "crmUrl": {
        "display_name": "Domínio do CRM",
        "description": "Insira o domínio do CRM",
        "type": "text",
        "required": true
    "crmApiKey": {
        "display_name": "Chave de API do CRM",
        "description": "Insira uma chave de API válida",
        "type": "api_key",
        "secure": true,
        "required": true,
        "type_attributes": {
            "product": "freshworks_crm"
    "serviceUrl": {
        "display_name": "Domínio do Freshservice",
        "description": "Insira o domínio do CRM",
        "type": "text",
        "required": true
    "serviceApiKey": {
        "display_name": "Chave de API do Freshservice",
        "description": "Insira uma chave de API válida",
        "type": "api_key",
        "secure": true,
        "required": true,
        "type_attributes": {
            "product": "freshservice"
    "formularioGoogleUrl": {
        "display_name": "URL do formulário Google de Métricas do App Renewal",
        "type": "text",
        "required": true
    "formularioDeLogUrl": {
        "display_name": "URL do formulário Google de Logs do App Renewal",
        "type": "text",
        "required": true

Because of this, I’m unable to publish this custom app.

I noticed that other people had the same issue with iparams, I tried replicating what they did but to no avail :frowning: .


Hey @Matheus_Souza_Silva,

It’s an unfortunate experience. :frowning: Our sincere apologies.

One catch with the error message is that it’s not specifically about “incorrect credentials - domain/ API key”. Do you have any App Setup events - onAppInstall, afterAppUpdate or onAppUninstall handler for your app? If so, can you verify if all those function handlers return renderData()?

Hi @zach_jones_noel.

Yes, I’ve the onAppInstall event handler. The implementation of function is as follows:


I’ve tested locally and it works normally. Is there something I’m missing in the code above? Thanks!

Hi everyone!

I still need assistance on this issue, however I’ll be absent for a couple of weeks, therefore my colleague @Davi_Alencar will be responding on my behalf. Thanks!

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Hi @Matheus_Souza_Silva , were you able to resolve this issue ? If yes kindly let us know how you were able to since am also facing similar issue.

Thanks in advance!

Hello, have you tryed changing the api keys params with text type?

"genericApiKey": {
        "display_name": "YourApiKey",
        "description": "Insert ApiKey",
        "type": "text",
        "required": true,
        "secure": true

Hi @Jayanth_Kumar, sadly I’m still facing this issue, however I’ve contacted the Freshworks’s support team, currently they’re validating the HAR log file I’ve sent. Once the issue is resolved, I’ll share the resolution with you all :slightly_smiling_face:.

Hi @Michele, yes I’ve tried doing so back then, but the problem persisted :confused: .

Hi @Matheus_Souza_Silva ,

Can you check if any of your file in Server folder has comments at the end of the file ?

If so, that might be the reason for the issue, post removing the commented code I was able to update/install the app properly.

Let me know post trying this solution.

Hi everyone, hope you all are doing great!

Sorry for not replying earlier…

This issue has been resolved. The solution came when Freshworks rolled out a new update (FDK 9.0.1), since then the issue didn’t popup again.

In my case, I believe it was an error with fdk pack and with the update, I presume it was fixed.


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