Unable to publish extension because not getting code coverage or issue report

Hi Team,

We developed a Freshdesk app with react.js + typescript and try to publish it into Freshdesk marketplace.
When submitted, the app is rejected with a report zip file that does not contain any information about what needs to be fixed.
Please find below a copy of issue_report.json:

  "type" : "Coverity issues",
  "formatVersion" : 7,
  "suppressedIssueCount" : 0,
  "issues" : [],
  "desktopAnalysisSettings" : null,
  "error" : null,
  "warnings" : []

And a copy of the summary.xml file:

<title>Coverity Errors</title>

Maybe is that due to the fact that the fdk does not produce any code coverage report.
Please guide us how can we generate code coverage report in fdk developed with react + typescript

But with that info, how can I submit the app and get it reviewed?

We will appreciate if you can respond on priority. We are crossing the deadline.

Looks like this is happening with React apps. Please give us a while to investigate this.

Similar report:

Hi @Anmol

Can I get the app Id?

Hi @Mughela_Chandresh

App id- 61449

Hi Anmol,

The app is rejected because of low code coverage and not because of Coverity issues (i.e security issues). We will check why the code coverage is not generated until that I will temporarily unblock you from submitting the app to marketplace for review.

Sorry for causing any inconvenience. Please reach out for any further assistance or queries.

Mughela Chandresh

Thanks @Mughela_Chandresh
Do I need to submit app again to marketplace for review or review process will proceed on app that I have already submitted.

Hi @Anmol

If the app is in the rejected state in your App management portal then kindly resubmit the app for review
