Unable to publish(new version) live app to marketplace

We are upgrading the current version of the app in the freshdesk marketplace with the new version. We have packed the code, and Coverage has been more than 80%.
While updating the new packed version to the marketplace by adding a version, we cannot save/publish.
This error message is displayed in the UI:
Something's not right here! if this issue persists, please contact support.

Attaching screenshot for ref:

Good Day!
We will investigate the issue and get back to you as soon as possible


Can you please tell me when was this first noticed? Is it one day ago?
Can you try now and share a video recording of it.

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This happened yesterday morning…
Sure, i will do a video recording and share it here


Hi @shravan.balasubraman
Here is the recording of issue

Watch Video

Hey @prasanna_jakka

We investigated the issue by reproducing the same scenario from our test accounts, but everything works fine with our accounts. To debug this issue further, we request you to add one of our engineers as an occasional agent to your account.


@Anand_Chandran can you share your engineers email id and procedure to add as occasional agent.

Hi @prasanna_jakka,

Could you please add ajmal.khan@freshworks.com as an occasional agent. Adding the procedure below

From Freshdesk admin section, Navigate to,

Admin → Agents → New agent → Occasional.

Make sure to add the role as Account Administrator. So we have privileges to access the App management portal. Adding screenshots for reference.

Hi Ajmal,

I have added you as account administrator.

Thanks, @prasanna_jakka. We identified the issue. We’ll be rolling out a fix tomorrow. Thanks for patience

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Thanks Ajmal, for the quick understanding and fix of issue.
Let me know when i can remove your email id from freshdesk account.

yes, @prasanna_jakka. It can be removed. Also, We’ve rolled out a fix for this. can you confirm this from your end?

Hi @Ajmal_Khan

We were able to submit app for publishing. Thanks for your help


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