Unknown error when trying to install a custom app in Freshdesk


I have encountered an unknown error when installing a custom app in a Freshdesk environment.
Basically I have a custom serverless app. I uploaded the .zip file in the Developer Platform correctly and in Freshdesk I have the button “install” available. After clicking it and filling the custom parameters, the installation process fails giving me an unknown error.

Here is the screenshot showing the error:

These are the HAR file containing the network logs and the LOG file containing the console logs:
failed_request.har (148.5 KB)
app-installation-failed.log (29.2 KB)

What I found in the HAR file that might link to this error is this:

which is the response of a request made to https://1-2416054.appgallery-euc.freshworks.com/apps/143552/app_setup_event_status?event=install&appId=69200

Can somebody give me a solution to this problem?

Hi @gabbo-alex ,

Could you please confirm if you have tested the custom app locally prior to upload? When checked the log I see the error

"message": "{\"description\":\"Validation failed\",\"errors\":[{\"field\":\"query\",\"message\":\"Given query is invalid, expected format \\\"keyword:value  OPERATOR keyword:'string' OPERATOR keyword:\\\"string\\\" OPERATOR keyword:>'yyyy-mm-dd' OPERATOR keyword:<integer\\\". Space is mandatory between key/value pair and operator. Please check the paranthesis if there are any.\",\"code\":\"invalid_value\"}]}"

with the query being

"message": "https://crmpartners-helpdesk.freshdesk.com//api/v2/search/tickets?query=%22updated_at%3A%3C'2023-05-31'%22"


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