What's wrong with the API-endpoints?


I’ve done a lot of development against the Freshdesk API and is now trying to work with Freshworks CRM. But whatever I send I get 404 back.

This is an example of something that doesn’t work (but I tried everything): https://XXXX.myfreshworks.com/crm/sales/api/deals/filters

Also some feedback to Freshworks. The documentation around Freshworks CRM/Freshsales suite is really bad. You have to bring it up to speed. Zero sampleapps, no templates when running FDK Create and most of the existing documentation confuses new things with Freshsales (older).


According to the documentation you should use myfreshworks.com but in my domain it is simply freshworks.com. That made the error go från 404 to 401. Still an issue but a different issue.

I have copied the code from Freshworks but it doesn’t help me.

       "schema": {
            "method": "GET",
            "host": "<%= iparam.FreshsalesURL %>",
            "path": "/crm/sales/api/deals/<%= context.dealId %>",
            "headers": {
              "Authorization": "Token token=<%= iparam.apiKeyFreshdesk %>",
              "Content-Type": "application/json"

Hi Hendrik,

Looks like you are missing the “protocol” attribute:

Also your host shouldn’t have https:// in front of it. Don’t know what your iparam url is set to. This should work:

  "yourCall": {
    "schema": {
      "protocol": "https",
      "method": "GET",
      "host": "yourcompany.freshworks.com",
      "path": "/crm/sales/api/deals/<%= context.dealId %>",
      "headers": {
          "Authorization":"Token token=<%= iparam.apiKeyFreshdesk %>",
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "options": {
      "maxAttempts": 5,
      "retryDelay": 1200