Why is the GET conversations API not returning the user ID as part of the response?

I am exploring the GET Conversations API in Freshchat and was able to see that the response is not returning the user ID as part of it.

I assume that every conversation in Freshchat can only have one user ID mapping. Since it is a unique one to one mapping, why is it not being returned as part of the response?

Hi @Rajesh_Kumar ,

You will be getting the user id’s in the “users” array.
“users”: [{
“id”: “86a76727-f5f7-40b5-8f93-309043646b1c20230415141608”
Please refer to this link: Freshchat

Because in a single conversation, different agents can send messages, you will get the user_id in the part of the messages also along with the user_type.