Call api : api/v2/contacts error 404 (using platform-version: 2.3 )

call api error

And when I call the event getContactData được gán trong onAppActivate()

async function getContactData() {
try {
const data = await client.request.invokeTemplate(“getContacts”, {});
// data: {contact: {“active”: true, …}}
console.log(“data contact:”, data);
} catch (error) {
// Failure operation
This is code my project
1. manifest.json

2. requests.json

3. iparams.json

Hi @Duong_nguyen_hoang1,

All the code looks good. The error says the host is sent as “”. The empty iparam value probably causes the error.

Can you please test the app by using the end-to-end testing method and check if it works after the iparams are configured?

Thank Raviraj
I try to it

I tried it on product and got error 400
I want to get information of a contact, which API should I use?
Currently I am using this api /api/v2/contacts
but the result is empty?

This is code

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