Custom App not rendering in new_ticket_requester_info Placeholder

Hello all ,

We have a Freshdesk Custom app ,the agents does not have access to contact module , We are trying to render a Simple custom app on following placeholders
2- ticket_sidebar

The app is not rendering in new ticket request page(new_ticket_requester_info) whereas it is properly rendering in ticket details page.

Attaching a screenshot of an error encountered , not sure this is relevant but hope it helps


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Do you not see the app rendered in local or in production(after publishing as a custom app) ?

@Saif, We tried both ways, but the app is not rendering in the new ticket request page

@sujeshmathew - Can you share the issue reproducible zip file (removing sensitive information if any) ? I will see if it’s the same.

Also, a snippet of your manifest.json ?

@Saif Hope Jayanth shared the sample app and manifest.json with you separately. Let us know if you have any updates on this issue.

I was able to see manifest.json.

Can we have Jayanth share the app’s zip file here? (let me know if code cannot be shared, I will initiate a private message on forum)

@Jayanth_Kumar I am able to run it on my dev account.

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If this isn’t loading for you, can you share the fdk.log file in the app? It should be in log/ directory.

@Jayanth_Kumar Looking at the screenshot of yours, it appears like you have agent access where contacts module isn’t permitted? I wonder if there’s a problem in that area?

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Hi @Jayanth_Kumar

As you mentioned the agent doesn’t have contact module access, it seems the contact details tab in itself not accessible. The placeholder new_ticket_requester_info would be displayed on the Contact Details tab on the New Ticket page.

Since the tab itself not accessible you find the app also missing. This seems the product’s usecase of restricting the tab for those who don’t have respective access.

Guess, you can’t use this placeholder.

Ref - Freshworks Developer Docs | Freshworks app ecosystem


Hi Saif,
Yes I have already mentioned it in the topic , that the agent does not have access to contact module.
Thank you @Saif for your input on this.

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@mariappan Yeah It’s the Product’s restriction , Thanks for your Input