How to use Modal without a backdrop (nobackdrop: true)?

I have successfully managed to setup a freskdesk custom app for the side panel. The side panel has a width limitation of 250px and a length limitation of 700px. Beyond 700px it has scroll bars. This makes a sidepanel app very limited to the 250px width of UI components.

Now using modals is a great option, it gives you plenty of space over the sidepanel, but the backdrop makes it impossible to copy paste information from the ticket. In my case that is a key requirement.

The docs indicate:
“The modal without backdrop is a beta feature and not available for all Freshdesk accounts.”

How can I have this added to my account as it is not working for me:

    client.interface.trigger("showModal", {
      title: "Modal Title",
      template: "index.html",
      nobackdrop: true

I see an earlier topic was unanswered and marked closed:

Hi @hammadzz,

Welcome to the community :tada:

Yeah, but we went with a workaround, our case is to push the content and link from the modal to the reply window, so we used the below code to send the data (content and links) using the below method

client.instance.send // in the modal
client.instance.receive // in app.js to receive, as some interface methods can't be used inside the modal
client.interface.trigger("setValue", {
  id: "editor",
  text: `<a target='_blank' href='${data}'>Payment Link</a>`,
  replace: false, 
  position: "end"
}) // this code inside the receive method

If you’re developing a React application, you can use the react-copy-to-clipboard npm package, which allows you to bypass the product’s restriction and enable clipboard functionality.

Hope this helps, let me know otherwise.

Thank you.

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Really appreciate your reply!

I should have clarified better. For this app we want to copy content from the ticket replies into the modal.

It seems to me having the backdrop is what disables you from selecting text from the ticket replies or scrolling through the ticket.