Identify third Party requester in FreshService

Hi everyone, Happy New Year :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:!

At freshservice, we can create a Service Request for third parties, as show in the image, where “Felipi” makes a request for “Pablo”.


But in the payload of the onTicketCreate event, any data from “Pablo” is shown:

  ticket: {
    subject: 'Request for Pablo Hugen : Cadeira',
    description: '',
    is_description_html_truncated: false,
    description_text: '',
    is_description_text_truncated: false,
    due_by: '2022-01-06T10:16:17-03:00',
    fr_due_by: '2022-01-03T22:16:17-03:00',
    fr_escalated: false,
    is_escalated: false,
    fwd_emails: [],
    reply_cc_emails: [],
    email_config_id: null,
    id: 2306,
    group_id: null,
    group_name: 'No Group',
    department_id: null,
    department_name: '',
    responder_id: null,
    requester_id: 1001265264,
    responder_email: '',
    responder_name: 'No Agent',
    status: 2,
    status_name: 'Abertos',
    priority: 2,
    priority_name: 'Média',
    type_name: 'Service Request',
    tags: [],
    spam: false,
    source: 3,
    source_name: 'Telefone',
    urgency: 1,
    urgency_name: 'Baixa',
    impact: 1,
    impact_name: 'Baixa',
    category: null,
    sub_category: null,
    item_category: null,
    cc_emails: [],
    created_at: '2022-01-03T08:16:17-05:00',
    updated_at: '2022-01-03T08:16:17-05:00',
    attachments: [],
    problem: null,
    change: null,
    assets: [],
  requester: {
    id: 1001265264,
    name: 'Felipi Lima Matozinho',
    email: '',
    mobile: null,
    phone: null,
    language: 'pt-BR',
    created_at: '2021-11-09T14:23:17-03:00'
  actor: {
    profile_id: 1001265264

Is there any way to identify the id, or the email of the thirdy party requester (Pablo)?

Best Regards

Felipi Lima Matozinho

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I am surprised this information is not available in the payload. If not many details, its fair to expect having atleast some ID to make API call to Freshservice to get further information.


@Product-Managers for visibility.

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A possible solution that I found was get the ticket trought API (api/v2/tickets/[id]). This response has the requested_for_id field. With this ID, I can make a call to api/v2/requesters/[id] and get the information from thirdy party requester.

This is not a good solution, because uses 2 api calls. If the onTicketCreate payload brought the id or all of the other requester’s information it would be better.

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