Introducing the What’s new feature, options for selective app access and app insights

As part of the DevX improvement programme and a continued commitment towards app ecosystem improvements, we are excited to announce the launch of several new features.

The What’s New? feature for Freshworks Apps

For an existing Freshworks app, the app’s developer can build and submit a new app version. After the updated version is reviewed and published, it is available for app users.

The What’s New feature has been introduced to enable app developers to provide a What’s New/Release Notes write-up when submitting a new version of an app. These may include changes made to the app, bugs that were fixed in new release, enhancements if any, and many more.

For app developers the option would be visible as depicted below.

When published with the release notes, the app users understand the enhancements in the new version. When app users view the list of installed apps, if a new version of the app is available, a What’s New link is displayed along with the Update button. App users can click this link to read the release notes and then take a call on whether to update the app.

For app users it would be visible as depicted below

For more detailed information, refer to Upload and submit a new version of an existing Freshworks app.

Provide selective app access

Often developers would like to run a closed beta test for their apps with targeted potential customers or reviewers to get early feedback and incorporate them before releasing it to a broader audience. We at Freshworks understand the same and are excited to announce the selective app access option through app-sharing settings.

View app insights

One of the popular asks from Developers was to understand why a customer has uninstalled their app and if there is anything they can improve based on the learnings from the app experience. We heard you. We are pleased to inform you of one of the many improvements planned under app insights, beginning with the launch of the app uninstallation feedback.

When an app is uninstalled, app users are given the option to provide feedback. The uninstall feedback given by users will be visible under View App Insights > Uninstall Feedback.

What’s next

The AMP is undergoing changes and many such updates are planned in the near future. So stay tuned for more updates.

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