Need to add these attributes "allow-top-navigation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation" in Freshdesk cloudfront Iframe

We are using Freshdesk CRM integrated with Amazon Connect and have tried to enable the auto-login popup whenever we open the Integration CTI application.

However, we are unable to log into the Amazon Connect popup when trying to sign in from within the Freshdesk application. The popup feature works successfully when we run the code outside of the Freshdesk application.

Upon investigation, we found that the attributes “allow-top-navigation” and “allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation” are not present in the Freshdesk CTI iframe.

We need to add those Iframe attributes in the Freshdesk CTI Iframe.

So we need your assistance to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Hi @zach_jones_noel,
Any updates on this ?

Hey @Bharath_Raghuraja,
Thanks for bringing this to our notice.

Is this an app built on Freshdesk’s cti_global_sidebar? And also I see a localhost:8080 URL, I’m assuming this is Amazon Connect’s URL?

What is the error you see when you try to sign in from Freshdesk app?

Hi @zach_jones_noel ,

In the above attached picture, you can see both the Freshdesk iframe and the Amazon Connect iframe.

The first yellow highlight shows the Freshdesk iframe, where the two attributes “allow-top-navigation” and “allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation” are missing.
The second highlight shows the Amazon Connect iframe URL, where these two attributes are present.
These two attributes allow the application to auto-popup login. However, they are missing in all Freshworks products.

We have integrated our application with all Freshworks products and published it in the marketplace for both paid and free apps. Due to the absence of these attributes, the auto-popup login feature is not working in any of these apps.

If your development team could add these two attributes “allow-top-navigation” and “allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation” to the Freshworks product iframes, it would greatly help us enable this feature in current and upcoming projects.

Hey @Bharath_Raghuraja,
Thanks for the details.

I’ve created L2 support ticket on your behalf to help you further and check the feasibility of adding these iframe attributes.