onMessageCreate - channel_id not found / missing / changed

Hello Team,

We’ve developed a marketplace app for Freshchat, and its primary functionality is centered around the onMessageCreate event. When users send messages through Freshchat, we capture specific details from the payload, and clients can then send messages to Freshchat users from our platform. This is the core functionality of our app.

Recently, we encountered an issue related to a conversation that was initiated 12 days ago via the Freshchat widget. We had stored the user_id, conversation_id, and channel_id for this chat from the payload of the onMessageCreate event.

Today, when we attempted to send a message to this chat using the /conversations POST API, we received a 400 error with the message Invalid id for channel. Intriguingly, when I checked the available channels for that account using the /channels GET API, the channel id we had stored was not found in the results.

We are currently investigating how this issue occurred, as it has disrupted the functionality of our app. If anyone can assist us in resolving this issue or shed light on what might have caused it, we would greatly appreciate it.

The channel ID which is missing : 28ae0207-124a-4a85-bb72-5d2d1614f74e
The channel ID which is found : 7a0bcb74-1583-4df6-8737-ae3343ecadac