onTicketUpdate event didn't triggered after app is installed for few minutes


I would like to trigger a mail based on some condition by “onTicketUpdate” event but this event didn’t triggered for few minutes after app is installed. If it’s triggered once it will working properly. This behavior of my app is normal or not?

I uploaded my app into my freshdesk account as a custom app.

Hey @Kithiyon,

I would like to trigger a mail based on some condition by “onTicketUpdate” event but this event didn’t triggered for few minutes after app is installed.

The onTicketUpdate would be triggered as and when any ticket on your Freshdesk instance is updated. The only correlation with app installation is that it will start to listen to these events and triggered the serverless app.

If it’s triggered once it will working properly. This behavior of my app is normal or not?

Yes, app functionality will work as I mentioned above and this is the expected behavior.

Thank you @zach_jones_noel

i’m facing above mentioned issue can you tell the reason behind this issue.

I didn’t get logs of onTicketUpdate event for few minutes after app is installed.

Hey @Kithiyon,

After the app is installed, you did update the ticket but logs don’t show any trigger of the app for a few minutes. Is this the issue?

Can you also share your App ID?

yes @zach_jones_noel this is the issue and this is my app id 63493

I see the app was invoked today at 2 pm. That is the only log.

Hi @zach_jones_noel

I triggering a mail inside “onTicketUpdate” event callback based on rules these rules are stored by user during app installation if i have many rules the onTicketUpdate event is not triggered for few minutes after app is installed.once the onTicketUpdate event is triggered after it’s triggering properly

Hey @Kithiyon,

Can you give me more info about the rules and how these are stored?
On another note, iparams payload has a limit of 256 KB.

Hi @zach_jones_noel

We check the ticket properties with rules to send mail. These rules are stored as a array of object and returned in postconfig

Hello @Kithiyon

I hope you have checked the conditions in which the onTicketUpdate event is triggered. They can be found here - Product Events. If these conditions aren’t met, the event won’t be generated and the app won’t be triggered.