Product event not receiving the ticket field value

Product Event Ticket Create is not getting the ticket field type value. I am getting “Null” as you can see in the below image.

You can find the ticket field type value. Ticket screen shot is below.

Simaltanicaley I am set as the Automachine rule in the Freshdesk instance


The Automation rules execute after the Ticket Creation happens and there will be a onTicketUpdate event which will carry the property update.

Ticket Create (Having an equivalent onTicketCreate with Type set as null) → Automation Rule Execution → Ticket Update (Having an equivalent onTicketUpdate with Type set as Mea Invoice Dispute)

I verified this from my end and could see this behaviour. Can you check as well?

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Hi @balanagendra ,

Does this issue need follow up or can be considered as closed for now?


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