Product Events for Freshservice


I have had at least 3-5 instances in the past week or two where I have had a customer want to trigger based on a change to record not in the ticket module (i.e. project module, change module, etc. ) I had 1 customer decide to not move forward with a custom app because of this.

Is there any roadmap to add more product events to other modules for the FS FDK? if not, could we get them on a roadmap? There is a huge market for this especially in the software management module to help normalize data

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Hey @Kiska_Sanchez,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Can you share more insights and use-cases of these events?

CC @Archana_Sreekantaswa


We have had the following use cases:

  • Customer would like to perform an action after a change has been approved in 3rd party system
  • customer would like to automatically action third party system on change status changing
  • Normalizing Software management module discovery
  • Automatically associating contracts and po’s to assets, software or other ci’s
  • Actioning third party system when project is updated in Fresh (this caused one of our customers not to proceed with an integration we already scoped)
  • Perform action in third party system after problem is resolved in Fresh

While some of these we can come up with creative work arounds using the WFA, the level of intricacy of the conditional logic structure of the WFA would cause this WFA to be near unmanageable by an everyday FS admin and very difficult to create for the solutioning engineer.


Thanks for sharing this @Kiska_Sanchez.

I’ll share this internally and get back to you if any more questions.

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CC : @Ashok_Prabhu

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