Now we can use the request.json to make API calls, right?
Since then the white-listed domain is deprecated, so what will it be like working with a third-party library?
How can we make API calls and if we can make them, how can we whitelist the domains?
I have same issue. I use googleapis to pull mapping data from google sheets. I also use googleapis to log critical errors where people can easily access them. Without whitelisting how am I going to use googleapis?
@freshworks team, this i rather urgent. Pretty much every one of our custom apps will break with the 2.3 update.
Hello @Bene_Immanuel ,
you should be able to work with third party no problem. The property " whitelisted-domains" is simply not needed in the manifest anymore. If you don’t use the requests in “request.json” remember to delete the “requests” property too, else you won’t be able to deploy your app.