Search contact from phone number in sdk

Hi team,
We are integrating our CTI app to freshdesk. We are using app sdk to create the application. We want to implement searching for contact using phone number. So far, the only option we can find is by using API.
Is there an option to implement search using phone number in freshdesk app sdk?

Hi @Keshav_mittal,

The app can get any available data on the same page using Data Methods. Since all the contacts will not be available on the same page, using API is the way to search for a contact.

Please refer to the sample app for Cloud telephony integration (CTI) here - GitHub - freshworks-developers/cti-tutorial-freshdesk: Resource of CTI app development with Freshdesk tutorial

Tutorial for the same integration: Develop Cloud-Telephony Integration (CTI) app for Freshdesk (Yet to be migrated to the new documentation portal)

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