Hey Community,
we were offered a move from Freshworks Omnichannel to Freshworks CSS and are currently determining on how to move the features we use in Ticketing Part to Conversations Part (for those not familiar with CSS - Conversations part essentially is Freshchat, but also able to do emails).
We’ve seen that there is no comfy Signature management app in Chat as it is in Freshdesk and the onboard signature features do not provide what we need.
So we may build it. But putting text in the editor with “setValue” function does not work for Email Conversations.
It does work for chat conversations, but for chat, you don’t need signatures.
This is my code:
var client;
async function init() {
client = await app.initialized();
client.events.on('app.activated', setText);
async function setText() {
async function setEditorText() {
try {
let data = await client.interface.trigger("setValue", {
id: "editor",
value: "Text to be inserted"});
console.log(data); // success message
} catch (error) {
// failure operation
And the log entry:
But I don’t see the text when opening an email conversation.
I do develop with modules (so platform 3.0 beta).
Has anyone already had the chance to go deeper in conversations in CSS?