/v2/conversations new Thread


Checking the API for the freshchat. I can’t create a new thread for the conversation. Whenever I trigger this API
POST https://api.au.freshchat.com/v2/conversations

with this model

“app_id”: “*****b4”,
“channel_id”: “****97b1”,
“messages”: [
“app_id”: “***a88b4”,
“actor_type”: “user”,
“actor_id”: “***a21”,
“channel_id”: “***7b1”,
“message_type”: “normal”,
“message_parts”: [
“text”: {
“content”: “Test Convo API. Initial”
“status”: “new”,
“users”: [
{“id”: “***a21”}

The message always connects to the old message thread.

How can I create a new thread with the fresh messages without mixing up with the old created thread?