Moved the query string under the query.query property
Passed the updated_at value as a context variable
Enclosed query.query with extra quotes.
You can choose to modify how you pass the query.query. You might want to send the whole string as a context variable, and pass the entire query as URL encoded. In that case, you would use:
But I have already tried both methods, but no luck.
did you get the expected output?
the error I receive:
response: {"description":"Validation failed","errors":[{"field":"query","message":"Given query is invalid, expected format \\"keyword:value OPERATOR keyword:'string' OPERATOR keyword:\\"string\\" OPERATOR keyword:>'yyyy-mm-dd' OPERATOR keyword:<integer\\". Space is mandatory between key/value pair and operator. Please check the paranthesis if there are any.","code":"invalid_value"}]}
This is an error with the query validation failing. Not the entire request. I did not try this specific query, but the template works in other search URLs. Please test the query using Postman to see if you get a valid response. Once the query works, then you can use the same in the template.
Can you share the Postman request in which the query worked? Either as a screenshot or exporting the request as cURL. The current issue is a matter of encoding that query correctly in the request template.
response: {"description":"Validation failed","errors":[{"field":"query","message":"Given query is invalid, expected format \\"keyword:value OPERATOR keyword:'string' OPERATOR keyword:\\"string\\" OPERATOR keyword:>'yyyy-mm-dd' OPERATOR keyword:<integer\\". Space is mandatory between key/value pair and operator. Please check the paranthesis if there are any.","code":"invalid_value"}]},